Informative session

Why digital heritage does not make us cry yet: more experience of digital heritage through immersive technology

There are few good examples of digital heritage with emotional impact. In the meantime, technology is evolving in ways that could aid emotional response - by becoming more immediate, interactive and immersive. So welcome to this exploratory meeting!

Collage with mirrors reflecting diverse human figures, symbolising AI data's human origin and the 'human in the loop' concept.
21 May 2024
The Hague - National Library (KB)

Heritage is not just about artefacts; it is about people, culture and the right to participate in the rich tapestry of our shared history. In today's digitising society, we must consider how to reflect these values in the digital domain. Much work has been done on intellectual impact (access to cultural heritage) and on creative impact (reuse and digital skills). Much less work has been done on emotional impact - how can we make heritage part of our digital lives in a meaningful way?

Results from a recent survey on what people want with digital heritage show that being able to search and browse well is ofcourse important. But even more than that: people want to experience heritage intensely! The aim of this afternoon is therefore to explore together how we can meet this challenge.


Chair of the day: Elsbeth Kwant (KB)

12:45h Doors open
13:00h Welcome - Geertrui Verbraak (KB)
13:10h Setting the Stage: the broader context of heritage, tech and future - Willemijn Elkhuizen (TUDelft)

Examples of emotional impact in digital heritage:

  • Hoe maak je big data invoelbaar met storytelling en emerging technology? - Dirk Bertels (Tellart) 
  • Een Wals, een Mars en een Lied
    Grote maatschappelijke thema’s komen dichtbij in virtual reality - Leo Erken en Olga Starostina (nl12|lab)
  • Een immersieve onderzoeksomgeving voor digitaal erfgoed - Corno Vromans & Wladimir Mufty (SURF)
14:30h Break - possibility of speed dating with relevant funds and calls, including DIGITAL, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie

Breakout sessions for in-depth discussions and idea generation

  1. Research on application of immersive technology 
    with: Rasa Bočytė (Sound&Vision), Tim van der Heijden and Sanna McGregor (OU), Pablo Cesar (CWI) and Liselore Tissen (CLARIAH, TU Delft & University Leiden)
  2. Examples of heritage institutions' use of immersive tech
    with: Mirjam Schaap (Stadsarchief Amsterdam), Kuba Szutkowski (Studio Maslow), Micha Bruinvels (Kamp Amersfoort) and Daphne Martens (Mauritshuis)
  3. Makers of immersive tech applications present opportunities, with Maarten Overdijk (HKU), Martijn Arts (Total Design) and others
17:00h Closing and networking drinks

The language of the meeting will be Dutch. The Research breakout session and one of the presentations will be in English.

For whom

The event is of particular interest to: 
- people from heritage institutions aiming to create meaningful interactions and emotional impact; 
- researchers and students passionate about advancing knowledge at the intersection of heritage and technology; 
- technology companies providing support for innovative interactions.


National Library of the Netherlands (KB), Dutch Digital Heritage Network (NDE) and SURF

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